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Club Events


Everybody is welcome to come along and try their hand at the game of Crown Green Bowls.

The best times to come along are Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings around 9:50am. This is when Members are usually on hand to give advice, or just have a chat about the game, refreshments will be available. You can even try your hand at the game as members are happy to show you how.


Check out the rest of our website for further information about the game of Crown Green Bowls.


So if you are interested, in the first instance contact Barry Ibbetson on 07776 308 428 or use our Contact Us page to get in touch initially.

Pre-Season Meeting 2025

The annual Pre-season meeting will be on the​​ 6th March at 7 for a 7:30 start, at St Mary's church hall.

This will give members a chance to pay subs and agree final points for the coming season.

​It helps our administration if you could pay as early as possible, electronically if at all possible.

Club Lotteries

The 2 lottery draws we hold each month are coming round for renewal..  


The time is fast approaching to renew your entry money, £12 for the year February to January.  This is named Lottery 2.


Lottery 1 runs from April to March and is payable in March - or both at once in January if you have numbers in both draws.


Peter has kindly agreed to run both and for ease of control will accept cash or cheques (made out to Peter Wood).  This method will enable Peter to control both lotteries.


I should add that there are spaces available in both draws, friends and family can join (dont need to be club members).


Thanks again to Peter for his consideration. 


Get encouraging anyone and everyone to have a number and good luck to all.


The winners and number holders for both lotteries are available in the Members Area

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