Origins and History of Boston Spa Bowling Club
Boston Spa has had a Bowling Club history which predates the present site, Below is a brief history of the present site. A fuller history can be found lower down this page. This first photograph was taken around 1900 shows bowling behind the Royal Hotel (now Costcutters).

In 1970, in order to get a grant from the Boston Spa Parish Council, it was necessary to obtain at least 40 names of people who believed there should be a Bowling Club in Boston Spa. Charles McEntee was largely responsible for the collection of signatures. Having got 40 names the Parish Council donated £8000 for the development of the green and Wetherby Rural District Council also donated £8000. This was on the condition that club members should come from within the District, hence the condition in the Club Constitution that members should live within five miles of the club. The cost for the creation of the bowling club was £18,000. This work was completed in summer 1980.
Two ex-railway containers were installed for use as pavilion and storage accommodation. There were some objections to the granting of Planning Permission for these (see articles in the Wetherby News of 25 July and October 1980). The Parish Council and the Bowling Club Steering Committee had run out of funds to build proper facilities.
Charlie remembers his first fees, paid in September 1978, as £2 for joining fee and £8 annually as a playing member. The Steering Committee, concerned with the establishment of the Bowling Club, was itself established in December 1979, according to the minutes of the 1st AGM.
The first AGM was on 13 November 1980. Until then, the club had been run by the Steering Committee under its Chairman P J Squire. The first Chairman was Mr L Platts, Secretary Mr E Young, Treasurer Mr D Sewell and the first President Mrs M North.
Whilst play on the green started during 1981 when grass cutting equipment was purchased, the official opening of the Bowling Green was on Easter Saturday 1982.
The club started playing in competitive leagues in 1984 when they entered one team in the Tadcaster Vets League.
(Items from various minutes)
In 1985 there were 101 playing members.
Peter Wood and Peter Nacey elected to management committee in October 1986.
Replacement building for existing pavilion discussed in 1986. Bowling Club did not wish to be associated with the proposal of the Parish Council to proceed with the provision of a new pavilion to serve all three clubs (football, tennis, bowls).
During 1987 AGM, Ed Gardner, Chairman of the Pavilion Sub-Committee, and Peter Wood Treasurer of the Sub-Committee, reported on progress concerning the proposed new pavilion. Whilst Leeds City Council agreed that the pavilion could be of timber construction, they would not provide a grant towards its purchase. There was over £2000 in the fund but £7000 was the target. Application would be made to the Sports Council for financial assistance.
In 1987 there were 110 playing members.
At the 1988 AGM, it was noted that work was now in progress on the construction of the new pavilion. The cost of the pavilion and fees was £7750. £2000 was to come from a grant from the Parish Council and the remainder came from members’ donations, outside donations (£690) and a loan from the Bowling Club reserves. £1608 was still required.
The 1989 AGM shows that the total expenditure on the new pavilion was £8008, with £1281 coming from club funds and £2000 from the Parish Council. The Club received a grant from the Foundation for Sport and Art, sponsored by Littlewoods, Vernons and Zetters.
The new pavilion was opened during the 1989 season.
In 1996 The irrigation system was installed.
During the winter of 2004 a path around the green was installed, along with a paved path joining the path/patio to the gate and on to the pavilion.
A new gate was installed in 2006 to mark 25 years since the club was opened. The same year improvements were made to the edging of the green.
During 2012 the southern shed was modified and improved.
In 2016 the patio area of the club was extended and provides a more flexible and comfortable area for all members to use.
During 2019 the existing pavilion was extended to provide better kitchen facilities and a larger meeting area. There is also more covered seating at the front of the pavilion.
The present Bowling Club was formed in the late 1970's. In order to get a grant from Boston Spa Parish Council, it was necessary to obtain at least 40 names of people who believed there should be a Bowling Club in Boston Spa. Charles McEntee was largely responsible for the collection pf signatures. Having got 40 names the Parish Council donated £8000 for the development of the green and the then Wetherby Rural District Council also donated £8000. This was on the condition that club members should come from within the District, hence the condition in the Club Constitution that members should live within five miles of the club.
Charles remembers that the first fees paid in September 1978 as £2 for a joining fee and £8 annually as a Playing Member.
The first bowls game was played on 8th September 1979. The Club was officially opened in 1980 and the first AGM was on 13th November 1980. Until then the club had been run by a Steering Committee under the Chairmanship of Mr P.J.Squire.
The facilities were primitive with the use being made of two railway goods vans, one serving as a pavillion and the other as a tool shed. The toolshed still remains but the pavilion has been replaced with the present pavillion erected in 1989.
A view of the green showing the goods van pavillion.
After the new pavillion was erected, there were no facilities for visitors there being no sheds around the green and there was no path around the green, as can be seen in the picture below.

There was no irrigation system for the green. It later appeared in front of the short hedge seen behind the two leftmost ladies in the picture below.
The irrigation system arrived in 1996.

During the winter of 2004 sufficient funds were raised to allow the path around the green to be laid, a grant for part of the funding being providing by Boston Spa Council. A solid path to the green was also constructed together with a path/ patio from the gate to the pavillion.

A new entrance gate was bought in 2006 to celebrate 25 years of the club and it was formally opened in March of that year by Russ Byfield.
In November 2006 improvements to the edging of the green were made.
During 2012 extensive modifications to the southern shed were undertaken. The funding for the project was part of the legacy to the club from George and Margaret Batty.
Maintaining the green. Club members help out every Tuesday morning.

Extended Patio Area at the Club
Through the winter of 2016 a new patio area was constructed.
The idea was initially conceived by club member Brian Alderton.
The area was formally opened for use on Sunday 9th April 2017. In attendance was the local ward councillor Gerald Wilkinson and the ribbon was cut by club president Brian Coleman.
The Chairman of the Club, Phil Harrison said
'This space will provide a more flexible area for our members and visitors and enable the Bowling Club to develop it's range of events and activities. It will also enable the Club to promote greater access for the wider community to come and watch the sport of Crown Green Bowling and hopefully encourage individuals to take up the sport.
Boston Spa Bowling Club has been able to provide this community facility due to a significant grant, Funded by the Outer North East Community Committee' an organisation within the Leeds City Council. I would like to pass on the Clubs thanks to the Ward Councillors for their support with this scheme.
The patio before the alterations above and after below
Club President, Brian Coleman cuts the Ribbon
Below left to right Brian Alderton, Councillor Wilkinson, Phil Harrison, club member Malcolm Buxton and seated Brian Coleman
The opening celebration.

Extended Pavilion Opening 2019
In early 2019 work began on extending the bowling club’s existing pavilion, to include improved kitchen facilities, a larger meeting area and an enlarged seating area in front of the pavilion.
Ground was broken and utilities rerouted to accommodate the floor slab of the extension which was built by a local contractor, Alec Roberts.
Following completion of the base the timber frame of the extension was started and completed within a week. The work was carried out by Chris Wild of First Rate Joinery
Once done, the main job of fitting out the inside fell to Phil Harrison and Ken Fletcher with various members helping out where possible, the fitting out taking several weeks.
The official opening of the pavilion was held at 2pm on Sunday 11th August 2019 during a bowling Fun Day at the club. The official opening was carried out by Margaret Gardner, who is one of the longest serving members of the club, doing the honours of cutting the ribbon.
Margaret Gardner, Phil Harrison and Ward Councillor Norma Harrington viewing the new facilities.
The new pavilion (above) with members enjoying it during the Fun Day and official opening.
A big thank you must go out to several organisations who provided funding for the extension which was provided by;
The George Moore Foundation
Boston Spa Gala
The Leeds City Council Outer North East Community Fund, which is funded via the local Ward Councillors. The funds provided by the community fund were significant and it is now the second project where the club has been supported by the fund.
Various members of the club have supported the work by volunteering their time and effort, in particular the work done by Ken Holt on the front screens of the pavilion, they do look good and also all the painting outside and inside done by Trevor Howard and Geoff Smith.
A special thanks to Ken Fletcher who worked alongside Phil Harrison in organising and doing numerous jobs.
The finished pavilion and members at the fun day and official opening.
July 2021 Michael Collinson Hon Secretary Retires

Michael Collinson retires as Secretary of Boston Spa Bowling club.
Like me, I suspect a lot of you will know very little about Michael. For several years now Michael's health has not allowed him to be as visible to members as he would have wished.
That being the case I attempt to fill in the gaps:
Michael has worked for 4 different Chairmen in the 21 years he has been secretary. Each chairman tackled the job in different ways, according to the needs of the Club. Since 2001, the Club has developed considerably. In 2001 there was not a single paving slab at the green, just grass banks and muddy paths around the green.
There has been a considerable change in the usage of the green. In 2001 there were just 5 teams - (2 Tadcaster Vets, 1 Elmete ladies, 1 Tadcaster Evening and 1 Barkston Ash) and most members played socially. There were probably over 100 members with many husband and wife pairs. If you went to the green for a game in the afternoon, on many occasions the green was full and you had to wait for your turn to play. There was no rota for the men to keep the green and outskirts tidy and no rota for the ladies to clean the pavilion. Much of the development at the green was funded by regular social/games evenings. Now we have 12 teams playing on six days a week and social bowling on 3 mornings - and paving slabs all around such that our President can drive his mobility scooter to the green and drive to whichever part of the green he wants. Most of the buildings have been refurbished with just the scratching shed remaining in its original state.
In 2001 most members did not have a computer. Communication was via letter, notices in the pavilion or word of mouth. That has all changed now with ipads and mobile phones in common usage So for Michael there has been a considerable change from paper to digital, biro to computer, letter box to inbox, snail mail to email. Michael still retains files going back to 1980 as well as the digital files.
Michael also put a lot of time and effort into the development of the Playing Field whilst ensuring the Bowling Club got the access it needed both for rubbish and for cars during the Vets tournament.
At the Club Michael has always been in the background ensuring that as far as possible everything works smoothly.
As well as being a great secretary Michael has been a top bowler. He freely asserts that if a certain David Taylor had not arrived at the club he would probably have won more trophies!
The peak of Michael's career was reaching the semi-final of the Harrogate Champion of Champions when it was held at Wetherby. He lost to Andrew Dodsworth of Bardsey 21 - 20. Back then the Club did not know about the Harrogate League and the only people to watch Michael's heroics were a certain Mr &Mrs Taylor.
Michael enjoyed the game and when his breathing became difficult he tried playing in two B teams but found it too difficult to play the full season and had to give up during 2013.
His playing record speaks for itself as can be seen from his entries on the Honours Board
Michael, your tenure as Secretary of Boston Spa Bowling Club will always be fondly and proudly remembered. The Club is indebted to you for your vision, your expertise and your overall guidance throughout the 21 years you have served.
Well done you and on behalf of the members - a HUGE THANK YOU.
April 2023 Our honourable Treasurer retires.
After many years of great service our Treasurer, Peter Wood has finally found a successor and is finally able to hand over the clubs accounts to a new Treasurer.
Peter has been treasurer for over 25 years (since 1996) and was well known for his diligent work in collecting Subs, match fees and competition monies.
He will be greatly missed on his frequent visits to the club to collect any monies due.
We all wish you well for the future.
Our new Treasurer 2023

It is with great pleasure that we now have a new Treasurer who takes over from Peter Wood.
Dave Gooch has volunteered to be our new treasurer for the immediate future.
We welcome Dave to the new position.
April 2024 A New President

Sadly in 2023 our long serving President, Brian Coleman, passed away.
We have now appointed a new President who has served the Club for many years in various positions.
The new recipient of this post is David Taylor.